QPS’s Profit Assurance System “PAS” is not for financial sales minus cost top-down extractive culture. QPS’s cloud PAS is for small to medium-sized manufacturing and service companies where the men and women in the Arena work. This is for US companies only; foreign companies are not eligible.
It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to those who are actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends themselves in a worthy cause; who at the best knows, in the end, the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if they fail, at least fails while daring greatly, so that their place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither knows victory nor defeat.
QPS has observed – that a fundamental flaw in economics/business thinking and in reality, business behavior, is the lack of understanding of how wealth is really created. Most think that the Wall Street function creates wealth – it does not. While the movement of capital is certainly a critical function and needed in a robust society and productive society to move capital to where it is needed, ONLY production (making of things and service of things – both for other humans) creates wealth. Wall Street only helps facilitate the creation of wealth – the making of things (manufacturing) is the creation of wealth. Unfortunately, a general worldview is taught that the shift of capital (pre-existing wealth) is wealth creation. If you look at the way, we do much of traditional accounting and measurement it has much of this notion embedded into it. If we look at what you are doing (as best, I can thus far) you are really monitoring the points of “making things for a customer” or points where actual wealth is being generated.
There is an example of what happens when businesses are run by finance. 1970 The Harvard MBA doxology showed up along with Wall Street the originator of the original sin their investors with the Harvard MBA “the non-playing captains of industry actually Wall Street’s foot solider to ensure the lion’s share of the money from those businesses ended up in the Wall Streeters pocket. Having bled those companies dry they sent the work and jobs offshore with their other invention supply chains. By the year 2000 70,000 manufacturing companies closed their doors and 5.6 million manufacturing jobs ended up offshore “China” and it has only gotten worse.
QPS developed an alternative starting in 1983 with the belief companies success including planned profit is owned by operations not finance. We developed an under the roof internal reporting system the plans, schedules, measures manages real time Planned Profit. The reason finance can’t accomplish this objective. They don’t have a clue where the dots are. What to do if they saw them and no idea how to conduct cause and correction to these constraints.
The good news is QPS’s synthetic lens sees the future and current profit picture puzzle “an engineered specification unique to each order Lot issue drilled down to every activity on the lean vale stream and each stake holders KPI, QPS’s KPI is key profit indicator. Profit Scheduling Schedules profit an engineered specification not production. All measured by Time-Drive Activity-Based Profit/Pricing.
Quantum Profit Science Wishes You A Prosperous Business Day.
Connectivity is not communication, much less understanding. A central grasp of the situation with QPS (visibility systems) makes the process itself into its own message to everyone at once. Everybody knows what to do that is routine without meetings, directives, and the process is its own prompter for improvement. Few power games, or misunderstandings, no politics, future profit picture puzzle real-time measurement owned by operations. Attacking the what not the who, manufacturing methods not people.